Weird Community Wiki

How to program energy[]

  • Your will controls what your energy can do. Whatever you visualize your energy to accomplish, whatever your intent is, that is what will guide your energy.


  • Constructs after they have done what you have manipulated them to do can be re-programmed to complete a new task as long as they have not evaporated or exploded.
  • To re-program a construct simply focus on it with a new intent and visualize the construct acting on its new instructions.

What is Visualization?[]

  • Visualization is imagination, by imagining what your energy is going to do it guides your energy to do it.
  • Some people prefer to close their eyes when they visualize and need to focus their minds on what they are visualizing.
  • To assist in visualization people like to meditate in a quiet space.
  • There is no right or wrong way to meditate.
  • Simply relax, clear your mind, and begin to visualize what you want your energy to do.

What is Intent?[]

  • Your intent is what you want your energy to do.
  • Intent and will are one and the same.
  • Your intent is expressed in your thoughts, by thinking about what you want your energy to do it helps guide your energy to do it.