Goblin Slayer: Batch File Psychic Ability Test[]
- I created this batch file to allow others to test their skills at influencing probability with their intent.
- In the game you must focus your intent on trying to make the number generator equal 0 in order to defeat the virtual goblin.
- If the number generator equals 1 then you fail to defeat the goblin, this means that you have a fifty fifty chance of defeating each goblin.
- It requires either incredible luck or strong ability to influence probability to successfully defeat all ten goblins.
- To try your hand at the test copy the batch file below, paste it into notepad, save it as goblinslayer.bat, and open the program to begin.
- Or just download it from pastebin.
The Program[]
@echo off
color 2
set/a wins=0
set/a losses=0
set/p name=What is your name?:
set/p scorelist=What would you like to name your list of scores?:
echo Use your intent to make the random number equal zero which will result in the death
echo of the goblin. Each Goblin has a 50 percent chance of being defeated, to defeat all
echo ten goblins, you must focus your consciousness on increasing your probability of
echo success to 100%. If the answer is 1 you loose, if the answer is 0 you win.
echo Increase your probability now and press enter to know your fate!
set /a goblina=%random% %% 2
echo %goblina%
if %goblina% EQU 0 (set/a wins=%wins%+1
echo You have defeated the Goblin!)
if %goblina% EQU 1 (set/a losses=%losses%+1
echo You did not defeat the Goblin!)
echo Increase your probability now and press enter to know your fate!
set /a goblinb=%random% %% 2
echo %goblinb%
if %goblinb% EQU 0 (set/a wins=%wins%+1
echo You have defeated the Goblin!)
if %goblinb% EQU 1 (set/a losses=%losses%+1
echo You did not defeat the Goblin!)
echo Increase your probability now and press enter to know your fate!
set /a goblinc=%random% %% 2
echo %goblinc%
if %goblinc% EQU 0 (set/a wins=%wins%+1
echo You have defeated the Goblin!)
if %goblinc% EQU 1 (set/a losses=%losses%+1
echo You did not defeat the Goblin!)
echo Increase your probability now and press enter to know your fate!
set /a goblind=%random% %% 2
echo %goblind%
if %goblind% EQU 0 (set/a wins=%wins%+1
echo You have defeated the Goblin!)
if %goblind% EQU 1 (set/a losses=%losses%+1
echo You did not defeat the Goblin!)
echo Increase your probability now and press enter to know your fate!
set /a gobline=%random% %% 2
echo %gobline%
if %gobline% EQU 0 (set/a wins=%wins%+1
echo You have defeated the Goblin!)
if %gobline% EQU 1 (set/a losses=%losses%+1
echo You did not defeat the Goblin!)
echo Increase your probability now and press enter to know your fate!
set /a goblinf=%random% %% 2
echo %goblinf%
if %goblinf% EQU 0 (set/a wins=%wins%+1
echo You have defeated the Goblin!)
if %goblinf% EQU 1 (set/a losses=%losses%+1
echo You did not defeat the Goblin!)
echo Increase your probability now and press enter to know your fate!
set /a gobling=%random% %% 2
echo %gobling%
if %gobling% EQU 0 (set/a wins=%wins%+1
echo You have defeated the Goblin!)
if %gobling% EQU 1 (set/a losses=%losses%+1
echo You did not defeat the Goblin!)
echo Increase your probability now and press enter to know your fate!
set /a goblinh=%random% %% 2
echo %goblinh%
if %goblinh% EQU 0 (set/a wins=%wins%+1
echo You have defeated the Goblin!)
if %goblinh% EQU 1 (set/a losses=%losses%+1
echo You did not defeat the Goblin!)
echo Increase your probability now and press enter to know your fate!
set /a goblini=%random% %% 2
echo %goblini%
if %goblini% EQU 0 (set/a wins=%wins%+1
echo You have defeated the Goblin!)
if %goblini% EQU 1 (set/a losses=%losses%+1
echo You did not defeat the Goblin!)
echo Increase your probability now and press enter to know your fate!
set /a goblinj=%random% %% 2
echo %goblinj%
if %goblinj% EQU 0 (set/a wins=%wins%+1
echo You have defeated the Goblin!)
if %goblinj% EQU 1 (set/a losses=%losses%+1
echo You did not defeat the Goblin!)
echo You have %wins% wins and %losses% losses
echo Player %name% had Wins:%wins% Losses:%losses%>>%scorelist%.txt
Username | Highest Score |
User:Jetblackrlsh | 8 wins 2 Losses (8 of 10) |